CTE Sectors
3 years ago
Software Systems and Development
Jake Gansereit, jgansereit@valverde.edu
1. AP Computer Science Principles
1. AP Computer Science A
Agriculture & Natural Resources:
Debroah Wroblewski, dwroblewski@valverde.edu
1. Ag Biology Chemistry and Ag Science; Honors Ag Chemistry (10th-12th )
2. Aquaponics; Honors Sustainable Agriculture (12th)
3. Ag Leadership; AP/IB Environmental Science
Audrey Woelke, awoelke@valverde.edu
1. Ag Biology
2. Veterinary Science (9th-11th)
3. Animal Science (10th-12th)
Arts, Media and Entertainment
Sal Quijada, squijada@valverde.edu
1. Video Production I (11th-12th )
2. Video Production II (12th)
Karla Scarff, kscarff@valverde.edu
1. Intro to Mixed Media Art
2. Photography
Graphic Arts
John Remland, jremland@valverde.edu
1. CTE Graphics 1
2. Graphics & Design Advanced
Performing Arts
Elizabeth DeBell, edebell@valverde.edu
Performing Arts
1. Concepts of Theatre and Acting
2. Tech Theatre 1/2
Production and Managerial Arts
1. Theatre Combat
2. Acting and Directing Workshop
Engineering and Architecture:
Alejandro Cobian, acobian@valverde.edu
1. Principals of Engineering I (9th-12th)
2. Engineering II (10th-12th)