College and Career Center

7 years ago

The Citrus Hill High School College and Career Center (CCC) is a resource for students, staff, and parents for college and career planning. It is a place to get information about colleges and universities, testing and test preparation, financial aid and scholarships, career information, summer opportunities, and more. We also host representatives from colleges and universities across the country to speak with interested students throughout the school year.

In collaboration with the academic counselors, we continue to work on building a comprehensive college-going culture for all students. The CCC provides all students with college and career planning, including: The college admission process, financial aid information and application assistance, College Fair Night for students and parents, SAT & ACT test registration and preparation, campus tours for Seniors & Juniors, Career Fair and career exploration.

The CCC is located in room 601. The CCC is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on school days. Students are encouraged to drop in during lunch and afterschool to utilize the resources in the CCC, study, and eat lunch. Click on my name below to contact me.

Karla King
951-490-0400 ext. 32161

College and Career Planning

7 years ago

We have an extensive list of scholarships available for Citrus Hill HS students. There is also a list of scholarship websites below:

For the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), worksheets and answers to your financial aid/FAFSA questions, please go to There are also helpful videos under the "videos" tab to the right (on our College and Career planning website).

Another great site for financial aid information is Finaid at FastWeb also puts out a very helpful student bulletin each month. Click here to find out more information on financial aid terms and to learn how to interpret your financial aid award letters from the colleges.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the FAFSA:

Q: When should I file the FAFSA?

A: The deadline is March 2, 2017. 

Q: When should I file the 2017-18 FAFSA?

A: As early as possible! The state Cal Grant program and many state college and university financial aid programs have a March 2 filing deadline - but many schools and programs have earlier deadlines.

Some colleges ask that the FAFSA be filed as soon after January 1 as possible! The California Student Aid Commission advises students to file as early as possible. The 2017-18 FAFSA is filed online at

Q: How can I find out whether my college has an earlier financial aid and scholarship filing deadline?

A: Visit the college financial aid website. The federal and state program deadline will be the same at most schools but institutional scholarships frequently have deadlines in January.

Q: What else is required to meet financial aid filing requirements?

A: For the state Cal Grant program, a school certified GPA must also be submitted by March 2, 2017. Information on Cal Grant GPA submission can be found at or send e-mail to Colleges may also require additional forms. Students should visit the college financial aid website to inquire what they need.

Q: Do I or my parents have to complete our tax returns before we can file the FAFSA?

A: No. The FAFSA asks whether the student and parents have already filed, will file or won’t be filing with the IRS. If the FAFSA is filed before taxes are filed, the student and parents provide the best estimate of their income as possible, then later, when the actual taxes are filed, they log back into and add the actual figures.

Q: Shouldn’t I wait to file the FAFSA until my parent’s taxes are done?

A: No. File as soon as you can, then correct the FAFSA later. The FAFSA allows students and parents to import their final tax information from the IRS starting about two weeks after the return is filed. This makes is very easy to update the tax info later.

Q: What questions will I have to answer on the FAFSA?

A: The FAFSA questions are all on the FAFSA on the Web worksheet. The worksheet can be completed before sitting down to file the FAFSA. By completing the FAFSA on the Web worksheet, students and parents can have all of the answers ready for entry, including their 2011 year financial information. The 2017-18 FOTW Worksheet can be found online at

Below are some helpful scholarship websites (from the Western Association for College Admission Counseling website). You can access a pdf of the list by clicking here.
Scholarship Experts - One of the best, most comprehensive free online scholarship searches available to students, parents, and educators.
Latino College Dollars
Scholarships for Latino students regardless of immigration status.
College Answer - Sponsored by Sallie Mae, they use the Scholarship Experts data base.
College Board Scholarship Search - The College Board’s free scholarship search utilizes a database of more than 2,300 sources of college funding totaling almost $3 billion in scholarships and aid.
College Data - This free scholarship search allows students to save results in a “data locker”.
CollegeFunds - Their website says, “ helps you hunt down the most ideal student loan, scholarships and other financial aid resources available to you!”
College Connection Scholarships - This service provides free scholarship searches and personalized scholarship application letters.
College Tool Kit -These folks allow you to search for scholarships by geography, heritage, religion, extra curriculars, family affiliation, high school, or scholarship name.
Discover Nursing Scholarship Search - If you are or will be studying nursing, give this free scholarship search a try. You will probably find more nursing scholarships here than in any other source.
eCampus Tours - The eCampusTours search uses a database of more than 10,000 scholarship programs that distribute awards worth more than $36 million.
Financial Aid Officer - This free scholarship search engine lists scholarships worth $1.45 billion.
FastAid - These folks say they are, “The World's largest and oldest private sector scholarship database”.
Fast Web –very large database of free scholarships
Find Tuition - This free scholarship search site lists $24 billion in scholarships.
Free Scholarship Guide - These folks offer an online scholarship search and a free downloadable scholarship guide.
Go College - Their search encompasses 800,000 individual awards worth over $2.8 billion in scholarships, and they say they maintain a strict privacy policy.
myfreedegree - Their database contains “billions of dollars of college scholarships and financial aid awards”, including some for bowlers, knitters, C students, cartoonists, etc.
The Scholarship Page - Started by a student in 1997, this site primarily featured engineering scholarships, but has since expanded to include others. - This site claims a “scholarship database of 3,0000 sources worth up to $3 billion.”
Scholarships Canada - These folks call their site “Canada's most comprehensive scholarship portal”.
Can Learn - Another Canadian free scholarship search site.
Scholar Site - Their introduction reads, “Welcome to, the site that allows you to search for scholastic financial aid quickly and accurately, without forcing you to lose time and privacy by entering personal information.”
School Soup - Their scholarship data base lists $32 billion in scholarships.
Study Abroad Funding - Their website says, "Our comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants can help make your dream of studying abroad a financial possibility and a profound reality." Scholarship searches can be conducted by country or subject.
Super College - An online scholarship search sponsored by Harvard educated folks who publish books on college planning.
United Negro College Fund Scholarship Search - A free online scholarship search sponsored by the United Negro College Fund.
Nationally Coveted Scholarships and Fellowships - Not really a scholarship match program but a very good site that lists undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral awards.
International Education Financial Aid - The IEFA website was created to be a resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.
The Princeton Review Financial Experts
Free online scholarship search-find thousands of reliable scholarships worth millions of dollars in aid.
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Billion dollar grant from the pockets of Bill and Melinda Gates supports the higher educational needs of high-achieving minorities.
Nursing Scholarships and Nursing Grants - All Nursing Schools
Use this resource on nursing scholarships and nursing grants to learn how to fund a education.
International Scholarships Online
Provides a searchable database of grants, scholarships, and loan programs available for students preparing to study abroad.
Use this website to find merit money at colleges and universities across the U.S.