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Mission Statement

The students and adults of Citrus Hill will create and extend our community of dedicated and driven learners, embodying character, leadership, academic excellence and success through life-long learning.


Curriculum and Instruction
The staff will provide students with a common standards-based curriculum infused with real world connections and student-centered activities that spark interest and learning. A variety of elective courses and an expanded range of career, technical, and cultural education opportunities complement our core curriculum classes.


    • Consistency
    • Monitoring progress
    • Essential skills
    • Student Centered Activities
    • Core Curriculum
Learning Environment
Together, we structure our school to promote safety, acceptance, and learning. We reach out to all stakeholders, celebrating our diverse backgrounds and our shared accomplishments.


    • Positive classroom environment
    • Supportive home-school relations
    • Campus culture
    • Parent/Community involvement
    • Safe campus environment
    • Cultural education for students and staff
    • Staff work cooperatively within a Professional Learning Community
    • A culture of learning for both students and staff
Assessment and Accountability
Through common benchmarks and performance-based assessments, the school supplies feedback and consistently monitors student learning. All stakeholders are accountable for the success of each student.


    • Clear and focused mission
    • Authentic Assessments
    • Benchmark Assessments
    • Common Assessments
    • Monitor and Feedback
Success and Support for All
As we establish and maintain high expectations for all, we also recognize and value the importance and the uniqueness of the individual student. We will foster C.L.A.S.S. (Character, Leadership, Academic, Scholarship, Service) in order to secure a valued commitment between the community and the school.


    • High expectations for all students and staff
    • Community Outreach
    • Focus on student’s individual needs
Strong Leadership
Our learning community will facilitate and develop strong leadership through our professional learning communities. Strong leadership is found in students, staff, and parents who hold themselves to high standards and are given the necessary structure and tools to meet those expectations. Strong leadership also requires a common vision, equity and unwavering support for learning.


    • Students
    • Faculty
    • Community
    • Focused Leadership
    • Fostering and Developing Strong Leadership

ADA Compliance Errors0

Citrus Hill High

18150 WOOD RD

PERRIS, CA 92570

(951) 490-0405
The Val Verde Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer: Daniel Whitfield, Director of Risk Management, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10672,; Title IX Coordinator: Daniel Whitfield, Director of Risk Management, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10672,; and Section 504 Coordinator: Steve Coelho, Director of Child Welfare & Attendance, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10468,
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