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ELAC, or English Language Advisory Committee, at Citrus Hill High School is a group of dedicated parents that work with teachers, administrators, and staff to ensure that the community receives the best education possible.  ELAC meetings are held once a month and are planned, directed, and officiated by the ELAC officers who are elected parents.  There are guest speakers invited from time to time to discuss community and educational resources.  The meeting is in Spanish with bilingual representatives and there is input from the district DELAC meetings.  ELAC aids in assessing the needs of the students, helps School Site Council create the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), aids in the creation of the language census, and passes along information regarding school rules, assessment calendars, school resources, and the importance of regular attendance.  At Citrus Hill High School, our ELAC group is one that is powerful, dedicated, and looks forward to celebrating the successes of our students each year.   

        ELAC, o el Comité Consultivo para Aprendices de Inglés, en Citrus Hill High School es un grupo de padres dedicados que trabajan con maestros, administradores, y personal para asegurar que la comunidad reciba la mejor educación posible. Las juntas de ELAC se llevan a cabo una vez al mes y son planificadas, dirigidas, y regidas por oficiales de ELAC que son elegidos por los padres. Periódicamente invitamos a oradores para discutir recursos comunitarios y educativos.  Las juntas son en español con representantes bilingües y hay aportaciones de las juntas de DELAC del Distrito. ELAC asiste en la evaluación de las necesidades de los estudiantes, ayuda al Concilio Escolar a establecer el Plan Individual para el Rendimiento Académico (SPSA por sus siglas en inglés), contribuye a la creación del censo del lenguaje, y transmite información acerca de las reglas del plantel, recursos escolares, y la importancia de la asistencia regular. En Citrus Hill High School, nuestro grupo ELAC es un grupo enérgico, dedicado, y espera con interés cada año celebrar los éxitos de nuestros estudiantes.


ADA Compliance Errors0

Citrus Hill High

18150 WOOD RD

PERRIS, CA 92570

(951) 490-0405
The Val Verde Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer: Daniel Whitfield, Director of Risk Management, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10672,; Title IX Coordinator: Daniel Whitfield, Director of Risk Management, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10672,; and Section 504 Coordinator: Steve Coelho, Director of Child Welfare & Attendance, 975 W. Morgan Street, 951-940-6100 x10468,
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